Here is what I read to 1st-3rd grade! They LOVE Sam and Dave Dig a Hole. They just hoot and holler every time those boys miss the 'spectacular' surprise. We talked about how we can use our imagination to create the end of a story like in This is not my Hat. I always get a healthy debate about how the fish got his hat back and who had the better story ending. :) They are SO creative! Of course we had to hug it out with Campbell's Hug Machine.
I've been the traveling librarian/maker lady this week! :) Lots of students and teachers don't know what makerspace is so I brought the party to them and whoa nelly!! They all dove right in and didn't look back. It was truly amazing to watch. I'll blow you away with some pictures...
They used ozobots, clix, k'nex education, little bits, and amusement park engineer.
Happy first week back!
- Amanda
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